1,200 people representing local governments, businesses, schools, community organizations, and the faith community, as well as parents and youth, attended Project Cornerstone’s annual Asset Champions Breakfast on March 28 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. The event honored the individuals and organizations whose commitment to building positive relationships with young people makes Silicon Valley a better place.
The co-masters of ceremony were Olivia Flechsig, Los Gatos High School senior, and Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Police Chief Scott Seaman.
The keynote speaker was Super Bowl MVP and NFL Hall of Famer Steve Young. He was introduced by John Sobrato, Board Chariman of the Sobrato Organization.
Entertainment was provided by the Willow Glen Pep Band, and Shannon Haley, who sang “Believe in Yourself.” Janice Fry, chairman of the YMCA of Silicon Valley board of directors, closed the program.
Award Recipients
SPARK Award: Mountain View/Los Altos/Los Altos Hills Challenge Team
Positive Peer Influence Award: Van Nguyen
Positive Cultural Influence Award: Olga Morales Anaya
Adult Role Model Award: SJPD Officer Raul Peralez
Community Values Youth Award: Sunnyvale Challenge Team
Caring School Climate Award: Lowell Elementary School, Moreland Middle School, and Willow Glen High School
About Project Cornerstone
Project Cornerstone is committed to helping every child feel valued, respected, and known. We are building a community where all adults support children and youth so they find their spark and thrive. Project Cornerstone works within the YMCA of Silicon Valley and with over 200 community partners and schools to intentionally build in youth the positive relationships, opportunities, values, and skills—known collectively as “developmental assets”—that provide the foundation for a healthy, successful future. For more information visit www.projectcornerstone.org.