The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

The Big Wedding/Rated R for language, brief nudity, sexual situations

This film is about a wedding.  Not just any wedding but a big wedding.  Really big.  It has a big cast.  A really big cast.  The movie is so big that the multiplex where I viewed it had the audience watch the left half of the film in one theater, then move next door to watch the right half.  Now that’s big.  Even the chariot race in Ben Hur wasn’t this big. Otherwise. that film would have been called Big Ben Hur (which makes the main character sound like a lumberjack).

What’s as big as it gets, as mentioned above, is the cast.  Let’s go over the big names. Just the really big ones.  We will skip the small names for the sake of space.  Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Katherine Heigl, Amanda Seyfried, Susan Sarandon and Robin Williams.  Biggest cast in history.  If you’re not in shock, I probably at least put you into a state of star-struck awe.

This wedding story has a twist that involves all of the quirky, dysfunctional family traits everybody exhibits before getting to the big wedding.  The biggest issue to get through is that big star, Robert DN, plays a sculptor who lives with big star, Susan S, but used to be married to even bigger star, Diane K.  They have an adopted son who is getting married. The groom’s biological mom, played by an actress too small in stature to mention here, is going to the wedding.  She is a devout Catholic and very strict.  She is from South America and doesn’t speak English.  Lots of ruses are brought into play to fool her about what is going on.  Big, big star, Robin Williams, is the Catholic priest performing the big wedding ceremony.  Big star Katherine H. is the daughter of Robert and Diane.  She has problems.  What size???  Big, of course.  Amanda S. is a small girl, but a big star.  She is the bride.  We don’t have time to go into all of her problems.

Votesudes_Spetember 12, 2024

Overall an OK 90 minute comedy/drama with scenery filmed in and around Darien and Greenwich Connecticut – which looks better on screen than the big stars.  There isn’t a lot we haven’t seen before in many other films, so my best recommendation is wait for the DVD.  The stars will shine just as bright for you there and it will cost a lot less cash.

Rated 2.5 gazillion out of 4.0 gazillion really big stars.

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