A routine patrol early this morning by a Santa Clara police officer kept thieves from running off with a “significant” amount of firearms. Santa Clara Police Department (SCPD) Assistant...
Tag: Mission City
The Wilcox Chargers entered Friday’s Week 8 matchup against rival Los Gatos with a perfect 7-0 record, (3-0 in league). The Wildcats...
Nov. 1 Update: Devcon, SCS Finance Police PAC Developers Devcon and SCS jumped into the campaign during the last week of October...
The injuries on defense hurt the 49ers against the high-powered offense of Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs. The Chiefs racked...
Get A Cane Bay Area is a nonprofit devoted to giving the ability to walk to those who cannot. The organization was...
Sutter Elementary School in Santa Clara celebrated its over-the-top successful 2022 walkathon fundraiser by plastering Principal Michael Fong and Instructional Coach Annie...
Santa Clara Unified School District (SCUSD) paid tribute to one of its most prolific educators on Oct. 15. Past and present district...
Santa Clara has asked a federal court to postpone a final settlement meeting in a police department discrimination and retaliation lawsuit until...
Mayor Lisa Gillmor got on her soapbox about ethics at the Council’s most recent meeting, saying her Council colleagues — who were...
Enough of the same old status quo! Your vote could be the one vote that redirects the misdirection that has wiggled into...