During the Oct. 24 dress rehearsal of Roberta Jones Junior Theatre’s “Pinocchio,” about 25 young cast members illustrated the story of a father’s infinite love for his child. Directed...
Tag: Mission City
Politics is often filled with daggers, darts and dynamite. Politicians often keep these volatile charges contained, unless of course, you hire a...
Campaign donations have accelerated since the September campaign finance reports, with plenty of treats from real estate and union interests for mayoral...
PRESS RELEASE FROM: The Santa Clara Chamber PAC To: The Santa Clara Community October 31, 2018 Our once helpful City Clerk...
Operation Care and Comfort came to Levi’s Stadium on Monday, Oct. 29. Together with the front office staff and player alumni from...
This September, the City of Cupertino adopted its Vallco Town Center Specific Plan to guide development in a northern part of the...
The Santa Clara Police Officer (POA) Association PAC has revved up the developer gray money machine it pioneered in Santa Clara in...
The driver of a private commuter bus that hit and killed a bicyclist near the Santa Clara Convention Center could soon face...
Op-Ed: Will Sunnyvale Have A Lawful Election This November — And Why It Should Switch To District Voting
Only days before Election Day and in Sunnyvale we still don’t know whether we will have a legal City Council election. The...
The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides...