The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – New Beginnings – Opinion

A new year feels like a new beginning, a chance to start with a clean slate. In our everyday lives, we — most of us, anyway — make resolutions to do better in the coming year, exercise more, spend less or start a new endeavor.

2025 also brings to Santa Clara a new city council. Voters have put two new faces on the council in Kelly Cox and Albert Gonzalez. This is the dawning of a new city council in Santa Clara, and it will be up to the newest members to chart the course.

Cox and Gonzalez can use 2025 to shape the future legacy of the city, and we hope that they will use it wisely.


In both cases, this is a chance to show us what kind of independent thinkers they can be.

Mayor Lisa Gillmor was glued to Cox’s side during the November campaign, but now that Cox is on the council, she does not have to follow Gillmor’s lead. She does not have to vote in lockstep with the mayor as Gillmor’s previous council cronies have done.

Cox can show that her goal, first and foremost, is representing the people of District 6 and not the special interests of Mayor Gillmor.

We hope to see her do that.

As for Gonzalez, while he never openly campaigned one way or another for the 49ers, he does represent the district where the stadium resides.

We don’t expect Gonzalez to be friendly with the team. But we do hope he will take a step away from his predecessor’s toxic, hardline stance against the 49ers, Levi’s Stadium and all the good that a partnership with both can do for the city.

That’s not to say he must always side with the 49ers. But battling with them at every turn has done more to hurt this city than help it, especially financially.

Gonzalez and Cox can continue the work that the most recently elected council members have done. They can continue the push toward fiscal responsibility and independent thinking, free of the influence of Mayor Gillmor or the 49ers.

We are hopeful that they will.

Previous Milestones:
Milestones – Killing the Golden Goose – Opinion
Milestones – Pork Barrel Hangover – Opinion
Milestones – Proactive Reactive – Opinion

  1. Good citizen 1 month ago

    Miles, please, for the love of Santa Clara and all that is good in the world, shut the **** up.

    • Fred 1 month ago

      Thank you for your thoughtful and measured response.

  2. Jim 1 month ago

    Your “attitude” indicates that you’re the problem and not “good” for much.

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