100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (March 26, 1920)
- Santa Clarans Hear Talk on Projected Growth and City Building
- Auto Park Plan Considered by Chamber of Commerce
- California Concrete Pipe Manufacturers Hold Convention in Santa Clara: Desire Statewide Amalgamation
- Important!: Register for May Primaries to Voice Choice for President
- Will Mrs. Leonard Wood be Next First Lady?
- Married Men Unable to Support Their Families Not Wanted in Army
- Sunsweet Signs Placed on Valley Farms with Prune and Apricot Orchards Belonging to Association
- $140.00-per-ton Offered for Apricots
- University of Santa Clara President Rev. T.L. Murphy to be Honored April 10th
- Huge Canvass Tent Needed to Enclose Industrial Exposition in San Jose
- Native Sons Ask for Curb on Japanese Immigration
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (March 25, 1970)
- Half of Santa Clara County Venereal Disease Patients are Teenagers Says Official
- Future School Superintendant Introduced: Executive Session Fuels Rumors of More Administrative Shake-ups
- City Council Endorses ‘Brotherhood of Man’ Goal of Martin Luther King, Jr. Foundation but Balks at Giving Taxpayer Money to Organization
- Citizens Advisory Committee Backs Plan to Re-route The Alameda East of the University of Santa Clara Campus
- Pfc. Kenneith J. Auston Dies in Combat: Becomes 20th Santa Claran Killed in the War in Vietnam
- Many Residents Return Quad Map Clipped from Santa Clara Journal with Suggestions for Downtown Development
- Drive to Collect Salvageable Items Underway: Will Benefit Veterans Salvage Shop and Crafts, Inc. Managed by Irving Cabral
- Harold J. Toso Selected as New Chairman of the University of Santa Clara Board of Regents