100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (June 13, 1919)
- Chamber of Commerce Edition!: Santa Clara Invites Tourists and Home-Seekers to Our City of Beautiful Homes, Modern Schools and Churches, World’s Richest Farms and Orchards, Unexcelled Climate and Vast Manufacturing Industries
- Santa Clara is Heeding the Government’s Suggestion to Build, Extend, and Improve: Progress and Prosperity Inevitable: Santa Clara Farms and Industries Already Renowned
- Eberhard Tanning Company is City’s Pioneer Institution
- Rosenburg Bros. & Co., Packers of Dried Fruit: Santa Clara Sees Remarkable Growth in Dried Fruit Packing and Shipping Industry
- Santa Clara Ships a Larger Amount of Farm, Orchard and Garden Products Than Any Other City its Size in America
- Millikin District Farms Prosperous in Fruit, Berries and Vegetables
- John G. French in New Business: Formerly Rex Theatre Owner, Now Going into Real Estate Business
- Santa Clara News‘ Circulation Campaign Proves Successful: Judges Award Prizes: Mrs. George Pearlman Wins Chevrolet Touring Car
- Hiram Johnson Unanimous Choice of California Republicans for President
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (June 11, 1969)
- City Council Rezones Elks’ Land Over Planners’ and Residents’ Opposition
- Revenues for City’s $31-Million Budget Told
- City Council and Staff Travel Expenses Go Up 6.7%
- SCUSD’s 2nd Election Attempt to Get Approval for 95-cent Tax Hike Fails
- Sanctions Vote by Santa Clara Chapter of California Teachers Association Postponed Until September
- Councilman Bill Kiely Acquitted of Misdeamor Charge of “Unsafe Backing”: Had Backed Car Over Resident’s Foot During His Mayoral Campaign
- SCUSD Holding Graduation Ceremonies Today Through Friday
- Library Holding “No Fines” Amnesty Day for Overdue Books Returned Tomorrow: Library Vacation Reading Club to Begin
- City Proclaims This as Santa Clara Chorale Week
- SCUSD Dress Code Revised: Girls Can Now Wear Slacks to School and Boys Now Allowed to Grow Mustaches