100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (April 11, 1919)
- Chamber of Commerce Will Aid Returning Soldiers and Sailors in Securing Positions: Jobs Awaiting Our Heroes
- Election Results Please Public: John G. French Elected Town Trustee by Large Margin: French Thanks Voters
- Murderer Caught!: Joe Ferrari Who Killed Joe Bolso in Gilroy Over a Card Game Dispute Captured in Hills Between Los Banos and Bell Station by Deputies Sent Out from Santa Clara by Sheriff Lyle
- Shiro Case Resolved: Sheriff Lyle and Deputies Capture Two Italians who Kidnapped and Assaulted Mrs. Mary Shiro of San Jose
- Santa Clara Preparing for Victory Loan Drive and Volunteer Day Campaign: Are You Ready?: Dr. A.E. Osborne Serving as Chairman: Victory Loan Trophy Train Coming in from San Francisco Tomorrow: Miles of Posters to Advertise Campaign
- James Dixon, Superintendent of Santa Clara Municipal Electric Plant Warns Children Not to Climb Electrical Poles: Parents also Need to be Aware of How Dangerous This Is
- Mrs. Rosa Guiliani Arrested for Selling Liquor: Must Pay $75 Fine
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (April 9, 1969)
- Very Good Voter Turnout Elects New Mayor and Two Councilmen: Gary Gillmor Elected Mayor, Larry Marsalli and Frank Barcells Elected to City Council
- More Beauty Pageant and Parade Entries Sought: Plans Underway for Miss El Camino Real Pageant and for El Camino Real Fiesta
- Jay Morris Wants R-3 Zoning Approved: Wants Agricultural Land Re-Zoned to Multi-Family Dwellings at Southeast Corner of Granada & Flora Vista Avenues
- School District Candidates Tell Views Tonight: Radio Personality Scott Beach Will Moderate Candidate Forum
- Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO) Formed at Buchser High School: Several Other County Schools Already Have a MAYO Chapter
- Young Conservatives Throughout County to Descend on West Valley College for All-Day YAF Conference: ‘Young Americans for Freedom’
- Police Solve Local Thefts: Kenneth Lee Peters of Mountain View a Suspect in About 20 Residential Burglaries in Santa Clara
- City’s Annual Tree Spraying Program to Begin This Week