VTA – Letter to the Editor

The Teresa ONeill Fake News Service, otherwise known as the Balloon Gut Blog, is at it again. Route 65 is out, because, as Teresa’s Boy writes, it was not supported. VTA could not promote it well. Ladies and Gentlemen, I know that VTA’s Public Affairs has been a cesspool of incompetence for three decades. Failed legislative aides either work for VTA or the Water District, not Walmart where they belong. Arias, Broughton, and a dozen others worked there. Route 65 serviced the working poor, a group Teresa O’Neill avoids whenever possible unless she has plenty of Purel. Magdalena Carrasco, a person I have opposed for years, does have the desire to help the working poor, she gets it, O’Neill continues to rely on Jude, Bobby, why? Well that is her kitchen cabinet.

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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