My Name is Anthony Becker and I am here to serve you – Letter to the Editor

Good day Santa Clara, my name is Anthony Becker. I’m a lifelong Santa Claran, educated locally, currently the chair of the Santa Clara Planning Commission and have run for office twice in Santa Clara.

Our city is rapidly changing. The demographics and the face of our city are changing overnight. What was there yesterday won’t be there tomorrow. And what was never there is suddenly there.

Santa Clara is at a crossroads. We have one foot in the future and one foot in the past. Too often this results in neglecting the needs of today. Our hometown is facing need for change.


Bridging changing demographics is key our city’s success and longevity. We must both welcome new residents, without forgetting those who got our city where it is now.

I have been blessed to grow up and pursue my career here in Santa Clara.  I want to give back to the community that has given me so much.


That is why I’m here to announce my candidacy for Santa Clara City Council District 6. Here are some of my goals.

I understand the growth necessary to meet the needs of new Santa Clarans. Yet it must be balanced to be inclusive & harmonious with existing neighborhoods. My other goals include AI solutions to help solve our traffic problems, deliver real affordable housing, a shovel-ready downtown, protecting residents of the Stevens Creek corridor and enhancing our senior services especially in the Northside.

I will not be funded by developers, unions, a sports franchise, nor any other special interests.  This is a grassroots campaign that is about who you know in your neighborhood rather than who you know at city hall.   I want to bring unity to our community.  I promise that I won’t be part of any “faction.” or allegiance to an interest group.

I know that all of you share my love for Santa Clara and the entire Silicon Valley of the Hearts Delight. It’s time to elect new leadership, therefore I respectfully ask for your votes on November 3rd, 2020.

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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