Letter to the Editor Lynn Villarreal

Yes on Measure BB!

As a Santa Clara Unified special education instructor, I see up close what the education our students receive looks like. We must do more for all students, including our special needs children. That’s why I’m voting YES on Measure BB.

Our schools are overcrowded, and many have major facilities needs hurting the quality of education we can provide. As teachers and staff members, we make do with what we have, but it’s becoming more difficult to provide the hands-on instruction our children need.


Measure BB will set our children up to succeed by making critical upgrades and repairs throughout the district while building three new schools to address overcrowding.

Our schools have been the foundation of our community for decades. Measure BB will ensure we keep our schools strong and continue giving our students the best possible education we can. Vote YES on Measure BB.


Lynn Villarreal, Special Education Paraprofessional

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