Letter to the Editor by James Rowen

After the Election

The Thirty Years War was one of bloodiest and most savage wars in human history. Peter Wilson wrote that the tragic thing about our times is that the same attitudes that caused the war, and fueled it bloody decade after bloody decade, exist today. People who believe their sense of justice is the only one worth respecting. By now, a mayor, two district council members, and a city clerk would have been elected.
Everyone should hope these people so chosen will have a sense of leadership and a respect for tolerance. There are challenges ahead. One lobbyist, a person who has worn out his welcome in San Jose, but demands all city officials follow his direction, three unethical council members, and a buffoonish blogger, think they run the city. Hopefully the victors will realize that the voters run the city.


James Rowen

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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