Letter to the Editor by Dave Kudelka

Vote NO on BB

I’m writing to urge voters to vote NO on Measure BB, the SCUSD Bond appearing on this November’s ballot. The AMOUNT of THIS Bond Measure is $720 million – but – the true COST approaches $1.5 Billion over the life of the bond. (BB is the 4th bond measure in 14 years) Requested information on the previous school bond measure H of 2014 was originally withheld by the school district, only to be force released by a FOIA request. Really? A FOIA request! This doesn’t exactly show forthcoming transparency by the school district for which we so dearly pay. The accounting documents and details of waste and misappropriation of funds for the previous measure H can finally be easily found on the Santa Clara Plays Fair’s web site and other sites engaged. You will find a succinct list of expenditures, many of which fall outside the promise of the bond.
NO on BB.


Dave Kudelka

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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