Letter to the Editor by Bob and Beth Dericco

Measure BB


We’ve taken a close look at the Santa Clara Unified school bond on the November ballot (Measure BB) and we are voting YES.

We’ve lived in the neighborhood for over 30 years. We’ve seen the growth in our community firsthand.  Our local public school, Laurelwood, is already severely overcrowded, and it will get even more crowded if the bond doesn’t pass.


Measure BB will build three new schools to help alleviate overcrowding – the kind of help our schools need!

Investing in SCUSD has always paid off.  Our children went to SCUSD schools and got a great education.  Our home values are also helped by the fact that families want to move into this District!

Our schools have been the foundation of our community for years.  We’re voting YES on BB to continue investment in our kids and our future.  Join us!


Bob and Beth Dericco

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