Letter to the Editor

We all like to think that institutional racism ended with 1954 Brown v Board, and with the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  But it is entirely different within the Real Estate Industry.  There, race is still seen in a pecking order and as a key determinant of pricing.  Lisa Gillmor has made the interests of Real Estate Speculators the public interest. And so of course this is all done covertly.  Everything about how Santa Clara runs is covert.  She set this up before she got back on the Council.  And that is when she started building her 4 member block.  So three times, Sham Charter Review Committees, clowns giving speeches, disputing the very premise of a racial voter disenfranchisement, completely disregarding CA law and the Court’s authority.  She feeds our residents nonsense.  She wants to be ringing the secession bell.  She has built up a reactionary contingent which is committed to racially based disenfranchisement.  Vote no on Measure C, let us keep 6 districts.  Voters should decide who fills the Mahan seat, and Voters should have been the ones to have selected our next Police Chief, not Lisa Gillmor’s maneuvering.  Get rid of her minions, like Kathy Watanabe.  Stop milking tax payers, bring the City’s operating costs back into the sanity realm.

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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