Letter to the Editor

It seems that my words regarding the decision to appoint someone to fill Patricia Mahan’s council seat were misinterpreted by some council members and the press. I encourage everyone to watch the video of the February 11th council meeting. My comments are at 1:49:18.  I was accusing of being revisionist and playing the race card. My words speak for themselves. The fact is that the council appointment in 2016 left the City Council all white despite a number of well qualified minority candidates. Please watch the video. As chair of the Charter Review Committee I opposed the 3 district remedy to CVRA and continue to oppose Measure C. The judge ordered 6 districts and 3 districts makes it more difficult for candidates without money nor name recognition to get elected. Please reject Measure C and then the council can impose 6 districts by ordinance.


Suds Jain

Old Quad resident

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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