Letter from Marilyn Keever

I was sad to learn recently that Trader Joes may not be part of the renovated Mervyn’s Plaza because they thought there might not be enough business to sustain another store in our location.  I believe that this is an ideal location for such a store and that since the three or four other stores in neighboring cities are filled to the brim with shoppers our Santa Clara residents would indeed love to have our own Trader Joes.  I would like to get the word out that there is a way to help influence Trader Joes to re-think the value of another store in Silicon Valley.

If everyone would go to the Trader Joe’s website they will find a link to “Request a Location” where an email to the store can be sent letting them know that we would love to have them in our fair city.

The link is: traderjoes.com/about/location-requests-form.asp


I hope you will print my letter.

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