Letter from Lezli Logan

When it comes to violent crimes against women, victims must come first.

The Recall Persky campaign is not just about one victim or one case, but a disturbing pattern of bias (intentional or not, realized or not) for privileged athletes. Those who say #EnoughIsEnough are your neighbors, family, friends, colleagues, survivors, and your community. We are informed. We have thoughtfully and critically considered the implications of this initiative. We know that elected officials are ultimately accountable to the people—ALL the people, not just those who stand to benefit from the status quo. It is time to LISTEN to women and victims of sexual violence. We are standing up to say #TimesUp for rape culture in Santa Clara County. We hope you will join us in June and vote to Recall Persky.

-LezLi Logan
Los Gatos, CA
Lead Administrator, Together We Will – Bay Area



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