Letter From Kirk Vartan

How do we create great places in our cities that make our quality of life better?

Santa Clara has engaged Project for Public Spaces on how the city can do just that. I see many residents upset with development, growth, and change. But the fact is, everything we have today is from development. The homes we live in, the parks we go to, the restaurants we patronize.

This Friday, March 24 ­- 6pm, Fred Kent, the president and founder of Project for Public Spaces, will be presenting at SCU. All of us should attend and hear his message. His company’s mission is to create great places: placemaking. We all love to share how awful projects are and all the impacts they have, but when is the last time we advocated for change in our community? When have we said what we want? Here are the details: https://tinyurl.com/mnqllm8

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