Letter from Joe Kornder

Money spent on education is an investment in our children, our future. It affects the citizens we raise, the work force we produce, and the leaders we select. It impacts the value of our homes and properties, the safety of our cities, the quality of our lives.

State budget cuts have eliminated funds that previously came to SCUSD. We were forced to cut. The state cannot restore. Having cut to the bone, we would have to reduce even more, or find other sources of funding.

Measure A can be such a source. For $84 a year for five years, each property owner would participate in raising $2.3 million per year, a lifeline of immense help to those who share the responsibility of educating our children.


Senior citizens may request exemption from the cost and still support Measure A.

All of us can show our gratitude to those who educate our children.

Vote YES on A.


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