Have a Heart! – Letter to the Editor

Have a heart! I’m one of those older gents (87 this July). Are you trying to compete with the NY Times crossword puzzle? Can’t you get something easier, like the Merc’s Commuter that doesn’t contain too many young actors, singer, bands? More like Gary Cooper, Perry Como, Wayne King? I used to complete maybe one out of five or ten puzzles.

We dropped the Merc after realizing only the bridge column ( wife), the Commuter ( me), the comics (me), Road Show (both) interested us. Sorry to say we are current with news based on AP, the Times, Politico and the WSJ on Internet.

Imagine back in 1940 my family avidly read thoroughly the Chicago   Herald American daily and on Sunday scoured the Tribune, Sun-Times and H A.  TV, the Internet and the rush of today’s world sure have changed things.


The W. Made a smart move expanding coverage to SV and this week to Fremont sports. For the past 4 or so weeks, I’ve been passing my free, SCCL paper on to my SV daughter. Keep it up. Cover more city council meetings. There must be a lot of young want-a-be reporters and writers out there. Now I know putting out the Weekly costs $ per page, wherein free-loaders like me only help you sell Fictitious Business Name statements. (I help you out there by delivering a second copy to my next-door neighbor, another old fart). What in Hell is a Fictitious Business?

Lastly, even on New Year’s, you shouldn’t hit the booze prior to writing your alphabet coupling paragraphs. (I used to know the name for that, once) Either do the whole column that way or none, IMHO.


Milt Kostner

with an over the back fence view of Apple’s TA14 building under construction, the last of Apple Park

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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