COVID-19 Virus Poem – Letter to the Editor

Colleague at Mission College suggested that I submit my poem:

A Virus Never Seen Before

A virus never seen before
It hits you because you can’t see it
It hits you because you can’t feel it
It hits you because even if you think you are safe you aren’t
It hits you even you think you are healthy
It hits you when you are definitely unhealthy
It hits you when your immunity system is low
It hits the young and the old
It hits you no matter where you
It hits you no matter what your background is
It hits you because this unforeseen enemy has no boundaries
A virus never seen before
I wish it would go away
But it is here to stay
It has turned the whole world upside down
It has turned the global economy upside down
A virus never seen before

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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