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Let the Library’s Summer Reading Program Take You Everywhere

This year, Santa Clara City Library is hosting its Summer Reading Kickoff on June 9. Morning and noon events will be at Northside Library while afternoon festivities will take place at Central Park Library.

This year’s theme will be “Reading Takes You Everywhere.” Sign ups for the Summer Reading Program run from June 1 to July 21. Each participant receives a reading log. For example, the reading log for children allows them to log books they’ve read by themselves or with the help of another reader.

At Northside Library’s Summer Reading Kickoff, attendees can enjoy Tommy’s Train Troubles Puppet Show, an Andy Z Concert with twists on classic children’s music and the goofy and comedic antics of Magician Steve Koehler.


The day before the Summer Reading Kickoff, Northside Library is hosting “I Scream for Summer Reading” to encourage more people to sign up for the Summer Reading Program.

“On June 8 from 1 to 2 p.m., we’re giving away ice-cream to the first 100 people who have signed up for the Summer Reading Program and have checked out materials,” said Cheryl Lee, Northside Library’s Branch Manager. “It’s one ice-cream per sign up.”

At Central Park Library’s Summer Reading Kickoff, there will be crafts, a Happy Birds show with parrot performers doing tricks and Coventry & Kaluza’s circus act with hula hooping stunts.

“Our teen program is for grades 7 to 12,” said Nan Choi, Teen Services Librarian. “The teens just need to read at least three books. At the end of summer, they will come back and get a $10 gift card to a bookstore. If you come to Central Park Library during the kickoff, you can enter to win a Fun in the Sun prize basket that’s filled with items for the beach, sunblock, sunglasses and movie tickets, things you’d like to have for a fun summer.”

Amy Cote, Adult Services Librarian, dished about the prizes adults can win through the Summer Reading Program.

“The basic part of our program is that adults have to read three books,” Cote said. “They will get a passport to log their three books. They will be entered to win some prizes. If they want to get extra tickets, then they can complete some extra activities that are listed inside the passport. For every four extra activities you do, you can get an extra ticket for the prizes. So you can get four tickets total. Our prizes include $50 gift cards for places, such as Southwest Airlines and REI.”

In addition to the Summer Reading Kickoff, the Santa Clara City Library is hosting many programs this summer for all ages. For example, Central Park Library’s Teen Movie and Pizza Nights will take place on Tuesdays (June 12 to July 17). On Thursdays (June 14 to July 19), teens can also participate in activities such as a candy sushi making workshop and a Harry Potter party.  

Central Park Library will also be offering two Art After Dark workshops for adults—one for crafting a travel necessity (June 14) and the other for making a travel journal (July 10).

Northside Library is organizing its annual Daddy-Daughter Dance (June 16) and a dessert culinary class for children (June 22).

Visit for more information about the Summer Reading Program. Visit for more information about the Summer Reading Kickoff and other summer events with the Santa Clara City Library.


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