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Jazzy Free Fridays

Jazzy Free Fridays

After kicking off a brand new performance series with Mission Chamber Orchestra and guest soloist Ruben Bettencourt on June 6, and following with the classical Indian dance group, Shri Krupa Dance Company on Sept. 5, Triton Free Fridays continued on Oct. 3 by welcoming Dave Rocha Jazz to the Triton Museum of Art.

Rocha, who was part of the Santa Clara Concerts in the Park series, performed to a small, but appreciative crowd at the free event.

While guests enjoyed the smooth sounds of Rocha’s four-person jazz ensemble, they snacked on little cups of pasta with bread provided by Mariani’s Inn and Restaurant and purchased drinks from the Santa Clara Sister Cities Assocation.


The performances, which take place in the museum’s Warburton Gallery amid though-provoking art pieces, are a joint effort between the museum, City of Santa Clara, SCSCA and Santa Clara Performing Arts Foundation.

The next Free Fridays performance is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 7 where Tezkatlipoka Dance and Drum will perform traditional Aztec dancing and drumming. Visit to learn more.

A full list of upcoming performances visit

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