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Handmade Gifts and Homemade Treats Found at Sunnyvale Community Services’ Annual Holiday Boutique

Holiday Gifts

Founded in 1970, Sunnyvale Community Services (SCS) is one step ahead in attracting early holiday shoppers even before Halloween. On Oct. 26-27, this non-profit emergency assistance agency hosted the SCS Auxiliary Holiday Boutique. Inside SCS’s facility at 725 Kifer Rd., a colorful, hand-stitched quilt hung on a wall as a raffle prize. Homemade jam, cookies, local honey and other treats sat on shelves. Other merchandise included handmade jewelry, paper goods, serving ware, holiday ornaments, wreaths, afghans, pillows, baby items, sports team paraphernalia, knitted hats and more quilts.

The boutique’s merchandise either came from outside donations or the hands of volunteers from the SCS Auxiliary. One hundred percent of proceeds from this event will go to SCS, which assists people in need with programs including food assistance, financial support, diabetes screening and management, back-to-school necessities and a holiday center.

“I’ve enjoyed the crafting that we do. It brings joy to the people who come to buy our products,” said Monique Kachulis, SCS Auxiliary member and co-organizer of the Holiday Boutique. “It also brings joy to the community of people in need. With rents going up, the need for bills to be paid and also with people who have health and hunger issues, we do what we can to help.”


Volunteers with the SCS Auxiliary tabled the booths. This group shares a common interest in producing handmade gifts and homemade goodies.

“I decided this year to try something new so I made puzzle jewelry,” Kachulis said. “I made pins, earrings and brooches with puzzle pieces. I can make little squares, triangles or little wreaths with the puzzle pieces. I decorate them with a little bling.”

Carol Howell, President of the SCS Auxiliary, worked on the boutique’s raffle quilt, table runners and apricot jam.

“The difficult thing this year was getting apricots. Squirrels took them from my yard and I didn’t have the crop,” Howell said of the challenge to make her jam. “My neighbors brought me their apricots. So my friend and I had a little party and we made apricot jam.”

Howell shared that their Holiday Boutique has been an annual fundraiser for over 20 years.

“It’s satisfying to know we’re selling these items for a good cause,” Howell said. “The best part are the people coming in who are happy with things you’ve made.”

A content customer was Lynn Martuscelli, who came all the way from Half Moon Bay to shop the boutique. Martuscelli showed off a handmade afghan she planned to purchase.

“I’ve been coming here to this sale for over 20 years,” Martuscelli said. “Here, I get Christmas tree ornaments, handmade goods and homemade treats, such as jams and little breads.”

The next fundraiser SCS is hosting will be the Annual Holiday Auction on Nov. 15. Visit for more information about SCS and events.

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