Nishant Chandrashekar and junior Mark Nguyen, Wilcox’s top doubles team bested their opponents from Santa Clara High School in three sets, helping the Chargers to a triumph over their...
After claiming the Cal North State Cup Championship, Santa Clara Sporting’s Santa U13 Boy’s team is raising funds to compete in the...
Rivalries bring out the best in every team, and with the Wilcox Chargers dominating the Santa Clara Bruins in boys volleyball for...
It’s only been happening for four years, but the excitement and enthusiasm for the Black and Blue Olympics, pitting the Santa Clara...
On March 26, the Santa Clara Bruins Badminton team looked to get their first win of the season against their rivals, the...
The Wilcox Chargers softball team has been dominant in the early goings of 2013, posting a 7-2 record to start the season....
Rival high schools clashed in an El Camino Division show down on March 7 as Wilcox and Santa Clara’s boys’ tennis teams...
On Feb. 26, the Santa Clara Bruins Track and Field team hosted its annual Andy Anderson Memorial Relays—the first meet of the...