A review of open enrollment numbers presented to the Santa Clara Unified School District Board painted a dismal picture of a District struggling to accommodate its families with school-age...
Santa Clara Unified School District Superintendent Announces Plans to Strengthen Harassment Reporting, and Processing, Education, and Training
Santa Clara Unified School District (SCUSD) Superintendent Dr. Stanley Rose announced today that the District will begin to implement several steps to...
According to award-winning children’s book author David Schwartz (davidschwartz.com), a bee must visit 60,000 flowers in order to collect enough nectar to...
In setting off a firestorm of allegations of sexual misconduct against Santa Clara City Council Member and high school civics teacher Dominic...
Polina Yurevich, 11, from Sutter Elementary School, dropped melons, with and without the protection of a bike helmet, to research whether bike...
As we enter the month of May and children draw near to the end of their academic year, I hope we can...
“Don’t take away opportunity!” That was the resounding cry of half a dozen attendees at the Santa Clara Unified School District’s board...
After school on April 25, students in Wilcox High School’s Theater Productions class gathered at the Mission City Center for Performing Arts...
At Braly Elementary School’s April 24 Special Olympics, students in three special education classes demonstrated their physical abilities in six teacher-led stations...
Something to Croak About: 163 Bullfrogs Vie for 1st Place in Sutter Elementary School’s 53rd Frog Jump
A record 163 bullfrogs vied for first place at John D. Sutter Elementary School’s 53rd Annual Frog Jump April 27 on the...