The political firestorm surrounding who would be named the next principal of Laurelwood Elementary School has ended. Still, the trouble may just be starting for Santa Clara Unified School...
The already-heated dispute over the appointment of a new principal for Laurelwood Elementary School reached a fever pitch Tuesday when parents and...
SCUSD Board Meeting: Laurelwood Principal Panel Problems, Calls for Superintendent Accountability
Discontent amongst the Laurelwood Elementary School community has been brewing since they heard the Superintendent was snubbing their choice for a new...
After public outcry and an accusation by the district superintendent of compromised “integrity”, the search for a new principal of Laurelwood Elementary...
While the new principal of Laurelwood Elementary School is yet to be announced, speculation that the hire is from outside Santa Clara...
Before the Santa Clara Unified School District community takes a breather for Spring Break, the Board of Trustees talked about LGBTQQIA+ students’...
It is finally the Laurelwood community’s turn to get the school they have been asking for; however, the project has hit another...
New funding for specific Santa Clara Unified School District programs alters the District’s budget. In COVID-19 updates, due to changes in County...
While Santa Clara Unified students enjoyed their school break, the Board of Trustees discussed class sizes for TK through third grade as...
With a little more breathing room now that the COVID-19 Omicron surge fades in the rearview, Santa Clara Unified School District Board...