Dear Santa Clara Weekly, I want to thank the Weekly for it’s coverage of the NNL West 2011 at the Santa Clara Convention Center this past February. Chris Kinney’s article was much appreciated. It brought attention to more than just model cars. It brought attention to the volunteer work...
The following is probably familiar though the authorship is in dispute. Some say is by Sir Alex F. Tytler, 1742-1813, a Scottish...
I’ve always been a big fan of Google. It’s not their product I like, or their stock, or their corporate culture. What...
Thank you for the wonderful article about the Buchser Music Associations Omaggio event. Its good that young people have the opportunity to...
IS THIS A JOKE? I am embarrassed to say that I am a citizen of the City of Santa Clara! Last week...
The City wanted to take this opportunity to respond to the following statement contained in the “Santa Clara Weekly” for the week...
Call me an ungrateful wretch, but if any more know-it-all brainiacs attempt to improve my mental health, I’m going completely mental. Yet...
Dear Mayor and City Council, We see that the city is considering… “… entering into a funding agreement whereby the Redevelopment Agency...
The recent letter to this publication concerning the “majority of stimulus money going to unions” only proves how divided this country is...
The City wanted to take this opportunity to respond to the following statement contained in the “Santa Clara Weekly” for the week...