Thank you! For the lovely article about the Santa Clara Vanguard’s winter guard and percussion units. As an SCV alumna, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate reading about Vanguard in the local news. The Santa Clara Vanguard has long been a goodwill ambassador for the City of...
Re: The War on Terror The only difference between George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” moment on the aircraft carrier and Barack Obama’s...
Taxpayers for fraudulent competitions? On April 21st, I attended a science and engineering competition hosted by MESA at Mission College in Santa...
When it comes to getting healthy, there’s only one exercise that works for me. The instant I see a copy of “Men’s...
If you think that nobody at your company listens to you, think again. Based on what I’ve just learned from a Ki...
Be honest now — does your manager treat you like a dog? Does he or she scratch you behind the ears when...
I just wanted to give my input as a resident of Santa Clara. I live 4 blocks from the lot where the...
If you’ve driven down El Camino between Los Padres and San Tomas in Santa Clara recently, you may have seen a billboard...
I am writing you today very frustrated and angry. The majority has taken the Measure J vote as a referendum to do...
There aren’t many people in the world that I really admire. There’s you, of course. And me, of course. And, of course,...