OK, the joke’s on me. When I finished reading the “Guest Editorial” by the Acting-Assistant City Manager, Carol McCarthy, I was impressed. I was especially interested in the new businesses opening in the city. Then I took up her offer to visit the city’s web site – “Visit the...
A recent letter to the editor inquired about the status of Citywide WiFi in Santa Clara. It continues to be a work...
It isn’t often that a job sounds so good that it makes me want to quit my present position and start disappointing...
A recent editorial queried, “What is our Council doing to improve the business climate in Santa Clara?” We are so glad you...
Considering just how macho you are, it will not be easy to admit that you’re scared by a book. But trust me...
Whether or not one approves of the job performance of the Santa Clara City Council you can’t help but wonder if James...
A few years ago Santa Clara announced its new city wide wireless project called Metro_WiFi, and that it would be adding access...
Excellent column about the free spending of the City Council. This kind fiscal behavior is what caused the City of San Jose...
President Obama’s recent appointment to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently withdrew his nomination and rightly so. Professor Gordon Liu unfortunately...