According to the last defeat of a school tax measure, I think people finally realize that the passing of school taxes leads to increased property taxes, most with no end date. I propose that any future school tax increase be accompanied by a detailed public report on what the...
Letters To The Editor
I make it a point to read your paper and most all articles each week and they are very informative and helpful...
A family member of mine was recently a victim of Medicare fraud and it really reminds me how our treasured elderly can...
My wife and I (age 60/62) have been buying individual health plans at Kaiser for five years. We are happy with our...
Why is a new law needed to entice the State to sell the Agnews property to Santa Clara Unified School District for...
Again the City Council is doing all it can to pamper the 49ers. Recent considerations to move the soccer field to the...
In response to the September 25 editorial: The main problem is not that the Soccer Park needs to be moved, the problem...
Adequate Stadium Parking? RE: City Desk, Sept. 25. Ms. Schuk reports on several of the City’s Sept. 12 Work Study Session agenda...
I totally agree with Nick Dellaporta’s assertion (S.C. Weekly, Wed., 09-18-13) that funding for schools, public safety, healthcare and other municipal services...
In response to your editorial of 9/11/2013: The San Jose Mercury News pointed out in an article dated 9/11/2013 that not all...