The citizens of Santa Clara need to pay attention what is happening in our City rather than vote by name reognition. We need some new faces on the council not the same people over & over with same poor ideas and whitch hunts Our city cannot hire a manager,...
Letters To The Editor
On my commute through the north side, I pass RVs parked among the offices where people priced out of apartments live, sometimes...
I continue to hear that “Judge (Aaron) Persky was just following the probation officer’s recommendation, and acted lawfully” when he gave former...
I continue to hear that “Judge (Aaron) Persky was just following the probation officer’s recommendation, and acted lawfully” when he gave former...
Judge Persky’s defenders keep justifying Persky’s lenient sentence for Brock Turner on the grounds that both Turner and his victim were both...
Recall Persky Campaign is Non-Violent, Constitutional The campaign to recall Judge Persky is not a form of “mob rule,” despite what detractors...
Editor- I do agree that the majority of the City Council really needs a refresher course on the Brown Act. Indeed, Debbie...
One would think that by the looks of the chintzy door hangers in select neighborhoods announcing the plans for Montague Park, the...
Hello, Was there any follow-up information regarding Carolyn Schuk’s article on Measure J’s Review being confidential? Thanks, Dennis
The Recall Persky campaign is not about one bad decision. The Brock Turner case may have been a tipping point, but Persky...