Please disregard my last submission, as there was a small factual error in it. Here is my corrected and final submission. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Thanks! Prameela ——— In 1913, businessman Albert Hendricks was caught trying to assault two 17-year-old girls, but he skipped...
Letters To The Editor
Rob Jerdonek Letter You are absolutely right I do not understand! I do not understand why we have to change our way...
In a recent interview Judge Persky gave, he expressed concern that “public confidence in the judiciary” will be undermined if we are...
The Amah Mutsun are campaigning to protect and preserve their Sacred land, Juristac, known today as Sargent Ranch, from being destroyed by...
Dear Editor, I want to live in a community that takes violence against women seriously and that is why I will vote...
Dear Editor, I am disturbed those claiming judicial independence in their defense of Judge Persky. Persky showed poor judgement in the Brock...
Dear Editor, My name is Dawn Bussey and I represent the Junior League of San Jose. On Tuesday April 17th, 2018 we...
Doris Modesitt’s letter (April 4) shows a misunderstanding about Proportional Voting (Ranked Choice Voting), which is on the June 2018 ballot as...
I graduated from Stanford in 2013, where I was an active leader in Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Stanford Greek life more...
Thanks to Steve Chessin (3/28) we now know that we should vote against this Proportional voting. ie. Trump gives Clinton the extra...