Hello. I came across your Instagram account SCWeekly and I was wondering if you would be interested in adding new followers to the 115 followers you have right now? (at the time of writing) And by followers, I mean real people with a genuine interest in your branch and...
Letters To The Editor
In the final days before the vote to recall Judge Persky is held, Persky’s campaign is once again resorting to baseless attacks...
I don’t know about the rest of santa clara residents but i ‘am tired of hearing about the swim center,,, they were...
I hear some arguing that the recall of Judge Persky will impact poor communities more harshly and I have to disagree. I...
Recall Judge Persky – Demand Justice Why #RecallJudgePersky June 5? To let Emily Doe that we are with her, we respect her,...
A special interest group wants Santa Clara to be divided in two and force council elections by ranked voting. I don’t want...
What sexual assault victim in their right mind would want to report an attack when the legal community circles the wagons around...
In a recent Vogue article, Judge Persky’s lawyer and largest donor said Stanford swimmer Brock Turner’s victim “was not attacked”, and implied...
Dear Editor, I suppose I should not be shocked that the anti-recall campaign would sink so low as to say Emily Doe...