I was raised in Santa Clara and have lived in the city most of my life. I currently work with high school youth in San Jose, which is how I first came to learn about Proposition 15. Prop 15 is the solution that we have all been waiting for...
Letters To The Editor
Santa Clara voters are faced with a very difficult decision come election day. Do they vote for the future or do they...
Confused about who teachers & classified staff. It’s Andrew Knaack. He received their endorsement because of his commitment to education, and his...
Read a handful of news headlines to understand why experience matters and re-elect Michele Ryan to the SCUSD School Board. Her Ph.D.,...
Letters To The Editor
Gillmor “Hates” the 49ers – She Pokes that Bear But Now The Bear Bites Back – Letter to the Editor
4 years ago Gillmor funneled $100,000 from her friendly developer friends into the City Council Election campaign using the SC POA PAC...
What is the Santa Clara Way? It seems to be a very mixed message. One thing we know is that for far...
One of the first ways that China reacted to the virus was by wearing face masks and sheltering in place, but different...
We are in a pandemic and it effects us all. As a parent and taxpayer of SCUSD, I ask that your vote...
To the editor: I am writing in support of Teresa O’Neill’s re-election campaign for Santa Clara City Council. O’Neill is one of...
I would like to share this with you. The elections here are so ugly now. Does anyone care about our future? I...