I support the “parcel tax proposal” and my wife and I will vote for it. My only problem with the program is that you can bet Sacramento will treat this in the same manner as the lottery deal. They will simply take the proportinate amount of money from the...
Letters To The Editor
Sometimes I wonder why the residents within Santa Clara Unified School District do not seem to value education as much as families...
There is an old story told among European philosophers of a man going into convulsions lamenting the death of a parent whom...
Your current editorial about Obama Care once again is right on the mark! If the mandate portion isn’t overturned by the U.S....
What could Santa Clara do with $850 million? It could help its public schools decrease class size and increase days of instruction....
Suppose a family came to you for financial advise. Their present situation is given below. Projected income for 2013 $ 24,700 Projected...
I find it fascinating that the council decided that an issue brought by civil rights groups, brought up more than a “year...
I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know about my admiration for the hard-working people in the 49ers Community...
I just finished your article under “Milestones,” and as usual, I completely agree with your warning about the demise of any society...
Refreshing to read, “Let the kids jump in puddles . . . catch raindrops on their tongue” in Margaret Lavin’s article, occupying...