For almost a decade Stand Up for Santa Clara has portrayed itself as a community group, simply interested in making life better in Santa Clara. Critics have contended otherwise,...
City Politics
A policy proposed by a Civil Grand Jury report last year tore open wounds that have divided the Council since the election...
Santa Clara has released a citywide survey to help the 2023 Charter Review Committee make an informed decision about whether or not...
Infrastructure is one of — if not the — most essential aspect of city services. Even just general maintenance of things such...
City Politics
Op-Ed: Studies Show Appointed Police Chiefs are More Accountable than Elected Sheriffs
Along with a few other cities in the whole United States, the City of Santa Clara has kept the pre-civil rights tradition...
Santa Clara’s budget continues to bleed red ink. The City faces deficits between $8 million and $15 million over the next ten...
City Politics
Another General Plan Amendment to Bring Santa Clara Another High-Density Housing Complex
Yet another general plan amendment will transform an old gas station and couch dumping ground near Santa Clara University into a housing...
The Aug. 24 meeting of the Charter Review Committee was an opportunity for the committee and the public to hear from and...
A portion of the Bay Area’s housing crisis played out in front of the Planning Commission on Aug. 23. What seemed like...
After much public input, the Santa Clara City Council opted to delay voting on a mixed-use development, unable to decide between the...