Sometimes low-tech is all you need. Take, for example, the basic telephone. These days mobile phones have so many gizmos, gadgets, features and functions that making a simple phone call is often anything but simple. This swiss-army-knife-ification obscures that fact that telephone technology hasn’t really changed in the more...
“There are over 16,000 kids on waitlist for childcare in the Santa Clara County,” says Geoff Penman, a partner of The Childcare...
What two things do Ganesha Indian Cuisine on 1074 Kiely Boulevard, Cartridge World on 3973 Stevens Creek Boulevard, and Cramer’s Bagels on...
With Santa Clara community supporter and restaurateur Frank Chang, it’s impossible to separate the man from the cuisine. Chinese cuisine to be...
Nearly three-quarters of the Earth is ocean and when the depth of the ocean is taken to account about 99 percent of...
If you stop by the bright and airy SGD Tofu House on 3450 El Camino Real # 105, be sure to try...
At lunchtime, the Lawrence Plaza at 3561 El Camino Real is packed. Some people wait in line for a hot roasted sweet...
Arlene Gresham made diapers for her first-born child on a White treadle sewing machine she bought used for $5. But times have...
How long has that painting been hanging on your kitchen/living room/dining room wall? For most of us the answer is: decades. Many...
When you think of rare and out-of-print books, San Francisco is much more likely to jump to your mind than Santa Clara....