Santa Clara’s independent bookstore celebrated its first year in the City with a literary scavenger hunt, pajama story time, champagne, snacks and surprises. Santa Clara resident Amy King attended...
Montage Dance Studio’s owner, Lauren Hoskins, 31, is a Santa Clara native whose love of dance began the instant she set foot...
The “curse of the new headquarters” is legendary in Silicon Valley. Inktomi, Excite@Home, MySpace–they all built new vanity headquarters only to flame...
When Kelly Steitz ordered a walker for her daughter, who has cerebral palsy, her daughter refused to use it. The equipment sat...
Now in its 50th year, Santa Clara’s Eyers Hitch Center is a true family affair. With over 85 years of experience between...
Lucky you if you are 50 or older. Adventures To Go caters to adventurous Santa Clarans who meet the minimum age requirement....
Pruneridge Golf Club, 400 N. Saratoga Ave., Santa Clara, has gotten a makeover during the past year. The nine-hole golf course complex...
Although only open at its brick and mortar location for a little over eight months, Santa Clara’s Voyager Craft Coffee, 3985 Stevens...
While slicing into a little sliver of Americana, foodies and beer fanatics dined and drank while watching dueling pianos and diverse music...
On May 20, the heavy beating of drums sounded in Santa Clara’s Whole Foods as lion dancers from Buu Kim Tu pranced...