The Santa Clara Chorale’s 2014 – 2015 Season Finalé May 16 at Mission Santa Clara, under the artistic direction of Scot Hanna-Weir, featured a two-part program of sacred compositions,...
Arts & Entertainment
Small town life is as boring as it is interesting. When the creamery is the most exciting thing to do in town,...
When Guys and Dolls debuted in 1951 it swept the Tony Awards, winning accolades in five major categories. In fact, one of...
Fourteen-year-old Jonathan Sampson has one goal: to break typical teenager stereotypes. Sampson, a freshman at Fremont’s Washington High School, maintains a 3.8...
“My acrylic painting of an astronaut is called ‘Hang on Tight,'” says Myles Fenton, a former student at Mission College. “I put...
Each museum has a story of how it obtained its permanent collection, and rarely does it seem pieces are acquired by virtuous...
It’s not too often art collectors can purchase the missing pieces in their collections for a steal while helping a worthy cause,...
Krista Van Laan compares knowing the architect of your home to knowing the artist of a cherished painting. Living in a prairie...
Santa Clara Vanguard has done it again. For the second time in its 10–year history, the Santa Clara Vanguard Winter Guard has...
In an stroke of genius, Nemesis Media, Inc. and Barb Rocks combined their booking powers to bring eight bands to the RockBar...