The Ragazzi Boys Chorus, which debuted in Carnegie Hall in 2014, presented its spring concert, “Gloria,” at Mission Santa Clara on March 25, under the artistic direction of Joyce...
Arts & Entertainment
Arts & Entertainment
“Think about Light” at Roberta Jones Junior Theatre’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
When his Aunt Polly issued the punishment to whitewash a fence, Tom Sawyer marketed his penalty as a privilege and the neighborhood...
Arts & Entertainment
“Cosmic Soup” and “Kimono Angel” Are Part of Vargas Gallery’s Inspirations and Collaborations
A visual sip of “Cosmic Soup” conjures up two large circles and flickering lights on a screen that fills up an entire...
Estela Molter showed a comfortable stage presence while singing Adele’s “When We Were Young.” The trio of girls in JAMS moved with...
On Friday, March 10, the community filled SCU’s Louis B. Mayer Theatre to gain some insight about our local Jesuit university from...
The acts ranged from a vocal performance of Fly Me to the Moon to a rapper spitting rhymes for an original song...
Pulses raced, music flowed and words poured from mouths, baring the soul of each speaker as new creations and old poems were...
Step into the Triton Museum of Art and hanging above the museum’s rotunda are cable lines dripping with petrified citrus slices. Along...
On Sunday, March 12, the Triton Museum of Art (1505 Warburton Ave.) celebrated another artist reception with over 500 art enthusiasts in...
Art has long been a reflection of society. Historians can look at artistic endeavors and use them as a tool to uncover...