The Santa Clara Way is dead! Mayor Gillmor and Deanna Santana have decapitated the long-held policy of rewarding and promoting employees from within our own ranks. For decades we...
Author: Miles H Barber, Publisher
At one time, Santa Clara was known as having one of the greatest swim teams in the country. Our swim center at...
Mayor Lisa Gillmor and her Council majority continue to baffle and abuse the law of common sense. You may recall our Council...
Driving the Amalfi Coast highway makes a Big Sur excursion seem like Highway 5 by comparison. While the Monterey peninsula has some...
Changing the scene from Santa Clara to ancient Europe has been delightful. Our family has been touring and discovering the sights and...
Consider for a moment that math can be magically manipulated. The Ancient Greeks, like Pythagoras, are the first believed to have studied...
You may have noticed The Weekly has a new look. This update has been made with intent and planning. It has been...
The inevitable has happened! One of the many lawsuits against the City of Santa Clara has been reversed. Not surprising, the decision...
This week’s reprimand of The Weekly comes from Santa Clara’s Director of Communications, Lenka Wright. This column was incorrectly corrected again by...
Folks, we have a problem and it’s not in Houston. City Manager Deanna Santana has taken upon herself the responsibility of rewriting...