As it has for the last 42 years, “The Nutcracker,” a classical ballet by Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, has come to vibrant life in Santa Clara under the...
Author: Diane Andrews
“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose,” sang out sixty some fifth graders from Milliken Basics+ Elementary School, 615 Hobart...
The 13th annual Holiday Train with Santa Claus aboard looked magical as it pulled into the Santa Clara Caltrain station from San...
Just in time to brighten the halls for the holidays, the upstairs corridors of the Santa Clara Senior Center, 1303 Fremont St.,...
“My passion is in serving Silicon Valley Power customers and communicating the link between energy, the environment and the community,” says Larry...
A new breed of dog came to town November 21–the American bully, a hybrid cross primarily between the American pit bull terrier...
Former San Jose police officer Tina Boales is a mom with a mission that is making waves around the globe. She has...
Santa Clara Ice–a new outdoor iceskating rink in Central Park, 969 Kiely Blvd.–opened November 21 under blue sky, sunshine and 70-degree weather....
The first thing you should know about up-and-coming holiday events in Santa Clara is that there is a change of venue for...
The Tutoring Center, 2098 El Camino Real in Santa Clara Town Centre, celebrated its grand opening with an official Chamber of Commerce...