It is often said that one good deed leads to another. In the case of 85-year-old San Francisco native Rita Leitner, 23 years of collecting donated bread has led...
Author: Diane Andrews
Starving Santa Clara University (SCU) students rubbed shoulders with equally hungry local residents, all waiting in line together for free food from...
Locked in a Box: Community Conversation on Immigration Detention Surprises and Stirs Consciences
“I’m not a criminal, I’m not a drug dealer, and I’m not a rapist,” Maritza Maldonado told about 100 Silicon Valley community...
JW House celebrated in grand style its tenth anniversary of providing a loving home away from home for Silicon Valley families with...
The 2018 Homecoming festivities at Adrian Wilcox High School begin at 12:45 p.m. on September 28 with “Mystical Cities” — a themed...
Award-winning independent film maker Jonathan Fung’s 2018 video art installation Prey, on exhibit now through Sept. 21 at the Natalie and James...
Multi-lingual Archbishop Mitty High School seniors Anvee Bhutani and Ishaan Nandwani believe so passionately in the advantages of speaking more than one...
Arts & Entertainment
Definitive Book of Horror Movie Posters from 1920s to 1950s: “What Music They Make”
Horror movie poster collector James A. Gresham followed the classic road to success. He found a need and filled it — twice....
Perry Jones, General Manager of Illusive Comics and Games and Isle of Gamers, Santa Clara, went to the doctor at the end...
Almost two thousand people have already signed up to run, walk and do yoga en masse at Sevathon 2018, an annual fundraiser...