
Let It Snow at Great America Third Annual WinterFest

Let It Snow at Great America’s Third Annual WinterFest

About eight million lights, a thousand holiday trees and frequent “snow” are a part of…

Norma Vuckan 100 years old

Around the World in 100 Years

Norma Trowbridge Vuckan will be 100 years old on Dec. 13. She attributes her longevity…

Our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide includes funny ideas for last minute holiday gift ideas. Gifts include menorahs, outfits, and Star Wars themed tree decor.

Annual Holiday Gift Guide: On The Fourth Day Of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me…A Death Star For My Holiday Tree

The annual quest for thoughtful, imaginative holiday gifts can make you feel like your brain…

Community Members Ride on Fire Engines at Sunnyvale’s Rides for Toys

Community Members Ride on Fire Engines at Sunnyvale’s Rides for Toys

A long line stretched through Macy’s parking lot in Downtown Sunnyvale on Nov. 24. Those…

Sunnyvale Resident Sells Spacecraft Holiday Ornaments

Sunnyvale Resident Sells Spacecraft Holiday Ornaments

Inspired by NASA’s Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle spacecraft, a Sunnyvale resident has designed and is…

Amelia Fatuch Teresi, Celebrates Her 100th Birthday

Amelia Fatuch Teresi, Celebrates Her 100th Birthday

Born November 25th 1918. First child of Saliam S. Fatuch and Virginia Herrera Fatuch, Brothers…

Waymo Driverless Minivan on the Road

Self-Driving Cars Arrive in Sunnyvale

Waymo’s self-driving cars are now on the roads of Sunnyvale. “Waymo’s 39 authorized test vehicles…

11/27/2018 Sunnyvale City Council Preview

Looks like a pretty simple night. We start the evening with a study session to discuss how…

$4 Billion in Questionable Medi-Cal Payments Could Have Blocked Patient Access

At the end of October, the California State Auditor released a report finding that the…


Escape to an Indian Street at Sunnyvale’s Indian Street Cafe

Inside Sunnyvale’s Indian Street Cafe ( are auto rickshaws, a bus, and a car as…