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Doyle Returns to Council; Water Rate Increases Approved

Former City Attorney Brian Doyle made another appearance before the City Council on June 21.…

Mayor’s Claim that the City Had ‘$10 Million Offer’ for Loyalton Ranch Is Bogus

After much back and forth, repeated deferrals and fact finding, the Santa Clara City Council…


General Plan Altered for Massive Housing Development

During the June 7 City Council meeting, the Santa Clara City Council approved an amendment…

Milestones – The Cure for Hot Air! – Opinion

Four years ago, appointed Mayor Lisa Gillmor ran for reelection against a young upstart named…

Meeting Efficiency Policy Saves Two Minutes

Efficiency is a buzzword. It gets bandied about in all walks of life. Whether it…

Santa Clara Hires Attorney to Advise on City Manager Dismissal

At a special meeting Tuesday night, the Santa Clara City Council assigned Council Member Karen…

Santa Clara’s Safe Space for Bigots – Opinion

We don’t argue that Mayor Lisa Gillmor has the right to free speech — even…

Milestones – A Christmas to Remember! – Opinion

Merry Christmas Santa Clara and to all of our readers who subscribe to the Weekly…

Patrick Henry Specific Plan Final Steps

The Council heard details about bringing 12,000 apartments to the Patrick Henry Specific Plan. During…