Official Santa Clara News

Milestones: Fairy dust doesn’t work! – Opinion

It only took two hours and input from an independent attorney for Santa Clara City…

Santa Clara Police Report: April 4 – 10

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed…


Wilcox Impresses Despite Heartbreaking Loss

There’s a popular cliche that goes, “close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades,” and…

Watanabe’s Record Paints Different Picture Than Her Words

After telling Council Member Kevin Park “No you can’t [speak], this is my event,” at…

Santa Clara Flounders To Meet State ‘Affordable’ Housing Requirements, Larger Mandates On The Horizon

Santa Clara is behind the eight ball in regard to state mandates for producing below-market-rate…

School Board Commits (Again) to New School for Laurelwood

After a long wait, the wait is still not over for the Laurelwood Elementary community.…

Sunnyvale Holds AAPI Solidarity Event

The City of Sunnyvale hosted a forum and solidarity event on April 7 to offer…

Last Minute Push for Funding for Santa Clara’s All-Inclusive Playground

Almost a year and a half after announcing an all-inclusive playground in Santa Clara’s Central…

Milestones: The foolish faux pas! – Opinion

You could not have scripted a public gathering with a more poignant example of bigotry…


Public Implores Censure As Response To Racially Charged Snub Of Asian Council Member

A public comments section Tuesday night erupted into several people calling for a public apology…