Bay Area News

Low-Income Housing for Most Vulnerable Population Opens in Santa Clara

On May 8, Abode Housing was joined by City of Santa Clara leaders to cut…

Kaiser “Seeds of Hope” Event Returns for 12th Year

Nourishing your heart, empowering your brain, and transforming your life is possible. Those topics and…


Santa Clara Unified: LCAP, Budget, and Buchser Gym Naming

With all the excitement that comes with the end of the school year, it’s not…

Santa Clara Settles Remaining Lawsuits with 49ers

The City of Santa Clara and the 49ers have settled their differences. In a joint…

This Weekend in the Valley: Friday, May 24 – Sunday, May 26

The following is a calendar of events happening this weekend near Santa Clara and Sunnyvale.…

Judge Offers Narrow Ruling in Becker Pitchess Hearing

A Pitchess request by both the prosecution and the defense in the trial of Santa…

Report of a Potential $38 Million Loss for Hosting World Cup is Premature

A recent article by the San Francisco Chronicle that outlined a potential $38 million loss to…

Former FPPC Chair Questions DA Filing Regarding World Cup

A recent complaint to the Santa Clara District Attorney has gotten the attention of the…

Wilcox Baseball Battles Adversity Until the Bitter End

Despite having to overcome numerous obstacles this season, the Wilcox varsity baseball squad managed to…


Food Vending Enforcement Having Intended Effect

Anyone who has attended an event at Levi’s Stadium knows about the gauntlet of food…