09/11/2018 Sunnyvale City Council Preview – Affordable Housing Grand Jury Report

Small agenda with some big items in it.  We start the evening with a study session to review the Civic Center Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report.

For the general session, the consent calendar is pretty small. There are only two items of note – the quarterly investment report and the extension of an exclusive negotiating agreement involving the city’s property at Charles Street and Iowa. We’ve been working on a deal for developing an affordable housing project on that site, it’s taking longer than expected, so we’re being asked to extend the negotiating period.

Item 2 on the agenda is approving the city’s response to the Grand Jury report on affordable housing. The Grand Jury has recommended a number of actions for the City of Sunnyvale to pursue.


Item 3 is a second round of discussing possibly postponing the start of CPI increases for the minimum wage from January 2019 to January 2020. This is proposed to bring Sunnyvale in sync with five of the six other cities with a $15 minimum wage.

Item 4 is an appeal of a Planning Commission decision approving a permit for redeveloping the Denny’s site at Mathilda and McKinley.

Item 5 is a resolution authorizing the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency(BAWSCA) to negotiate on the City’s behalf with the SFPUC regarding changes to the 2009 water supply agreement.  The SFPUC provides about half of Sunnyvale’s water.

And item 6 asks us to approve the city’s position on two resolutions for the League of California Cities annual conference.

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